Summer Jam House League
The Summer Jam House League runs from late June through the end of July. This a program is designed for girls who are not playing Summer Travel but would like to continue playing softball over the summer.

Player is enrolled in K - 8 (for the school year just completed)
Player participated in our spring program.
The level of play will be somewhere between the Spring Program and Summer Travel.
The program uses high school varsity girls for umpiring (similar to Sophomore Devision) and plays Junior Division Rules. 12" balls are used.
One game per week (no practices). All in Milton.
No practices. Just a single game per week.
Games are typically at Kelly Field and Andrews Park.
T-Shirts are provided at the beginning of Summer Jam.
Frequently Asked Questions
Finances are tight. Do you offer any financial assistance?
Milton Girls Softball believes that every girl who is interested in playing should be able to play. If you have financial circumstances that make the registration fees a challenge, please contact us at for assistance.
Registration is currently closed
Registration Fee: $50