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What is the structure of the Milton Girls Softball (MGS)?

MGS is comprised of five divisions: Kindergarten, Freshwomen, Sophomore, Junior and Senior. The K Program is an 8-week session designed to introduce kindergarteners to the sport of softball as well as provide an opportunity for them to play and interact in a safe, stimulating, and nurturing environment The Freshwomen consists of girls in Grades 1 and 2. The Sophomore Division are 3rd and 4th graders. The Junior Division consists of 5th and 6th Graders and the Senior Division consist of girls in Grades 7th and 8th. Depending upon the division, the playing rules are slightly different in terms of length of base paths, distance from pitching mound, and format of the game. Read more about Our Programs.

What's the difference between Milton Girls Softball Spring Season and the Summer Travel Season?

MGS provides softball opportunities for the girls in the Milton community by establishing 1) a recreational girls softball league and game schedule, and 2) competitive girls fast pitch softball teams to compete locally with other towns in the region. The Spring Season is defined as a recreation season and is instructional. The Summer Travel Program is competitive and focuses on competing against other towns at a high level. You have to try out to make a travel team. Read more about the Spring Season and the Summer Travel Season under Our Programs

When is player registration?

Registration opens in January for all divisions. The registration deadline is mid-February. The deadline is important because it allows the league to plan for the number of teams as well as order equipment and uniforms in time for the start of the season. Refer to the online registration link for the exact deadline date.

Why do we have to register so far before the season starts?

The number of players that register determine the number of coaches we must recruit, evaluate and train before teams can be assembled. Uniforms must then be ordered and practices are needed before the teams take the field in mid-April for games. This all takes time and is done strictly by volunteers.

How do I find out about player registration?

Milton Girls Softball utilizes several methods of getting the word out to parents about registration. The main source of information is by our e-mailed Milton Girls Softball newsletter. Please make sure we have your current e-mail address in our database so you get the information in a timely manner. Our website will also have the announcement with a link to the on-line registration.

We place notices in all the area school newsletters and we supply printed notices for those schools who send home notices. In addition, we place advertisements in the Milton Times at least two times during the registration period. We also appreciate the word of mouth advertisement from parent to parent and player to player. Please let your friends know that registration is coming up in case they didn't see it.

How do I register my child?

Go to www.miltonsoftball.com and click on the program or league of interest.

I missed registration. Can I sign up late?

Late registrations will be accepted on a case-by-case basis, based on the number of players per team in that division at the end of registration. All late registrations will be accepted online only and these players will be placed on a waitlist until the maximum number of players is determined. Please note that if your late registration is accepted, there is a late registration fee.

How do I know you received my registration online?

With online registration, you will receive an email from our website with a receipt and confirmation of your registration. If you do not get an email, something went wrong with the registration and you are not registered. You are able to log back into your personal account from the website homepage and this will tell you what division your child is registered for.

Why do you need my email address?

Milton Girls Softball is a non-profit organization. In order to save money, much of our communication is electronic through either our website or emails. We send out several newsletters as well as numerous updates about the league throughout the year. Probably the most important of these emails is in regards to registration dates and locations. At registration time, please verify that we have your correct email listed so we can update it in our database. Please know that Milton Girls Softball values your privacy and will never sell your address to anyone.

When does the season begin?

Please check the Milton Girls Softball calendar on the homepage for exact league dates and events. Typically, practices start in early April with the Opening Day Parade and games beginning on the 2nd Saturday of April Vacation Week.

My daughter has never picked up a bat. Should I be worried? Will she get hurt? Will she have fun?

Softball is fun. Softball is fun! F-U-N. Girls may begin at the Freshmen Division, where they'll learn the most basic stuff in the game, from how to hold a bat to which direction to run (to the right). They may dive right into the sport at the 3rd or 4th grade level having never before swung at a ball in a competitive game. No problem. She'll play, she'll learn the game, and everyone will have fun, get some fresh air and make new friends.

When will I find out what team my daughter will play on?

All girls should be informed by their coaches by the end of March. If you don't hear from a coach by the first week of April, please contact us at wecare@miltonsoftball.com.

Can my daughter be placed on a team with one of her friends?

Milton Girls Softball allows players to request to be on the same team as one friend in the Freshmen and Sophomore Divisions only. We understand that your child would like to play on the same team as a friend, classmate or neighbor. Please keep in mind that if your child is moving up to a new division the girls and coaches do not stay together.

You may provide us with name of ONE player who your child would like to be paired with for the upcoming season. For the pairing to be honored, your child's friend must request your child during the registration process. Remember that a request may be made, but there is no guarantee that it will be approved.

In the Senior Division, there are absolutely no requests due to the player selection process of the draft. The Junior and Senior Division teams are created using a balanced process that helps to promote even and competitive teams.

How are siblings in the same division handled?

Siblings are placed on the same team unless MGS is informed to do otherwise by the parents/guardians. If your siblings are not on the same team and should, please contact us at wecare@miltonsoftball.com.

If my child is unhappy with the team they are placed on, can they switch teams?

Only in extreme cases does the league allow children to switch teams after the teams have been formed. Such requests must be made in writing to MGS for consideration by the President. Approval requires extenuating circumstances, so any request is highly unlikely to be approved, and in most cases we will ask the player remains with their team. Team balance is established early on, and changes of this type are difficult if not impossible to implement without upsetting the balance that has been established.

If my child decides to quit, is it possible to get a refund?

Refunds are available before the session starts or before the player receives a jersey/uniform - whichever happens first. 

A refund due to medical reasons is available upon request prior to the start of the season. 

Can I keep my child down in a lower division or have her play up a division a year early?

MGS strongly supports grade appropriate competition and development. Only in extenuating circumstances does the league allow a player to move up to a division early and it will only be considered with a written request submitted to the league. The only other time an adjustment may be made is when there is a safety risk to a player playing in their grade appropriate division. At that time, a parent request needs to be made to the Board of Directors. A decision will be made to allow the player to play down.

How long will the season last?

The MGS Spring season usually lasts for 8-10 weeks from April through mid-June - around the same time the Milton Public Schools end for the summer.

Where are Milton Girls Softball games played?

MGS has several fields where practices and games are held. Learn more about our fields.

What do I do if the Cunningham Gate is locked?

Cunningham Park typically has security on staff who can unlock the gate for you. Go to the main building and ask if the gate can be unlocked. Also, please be aware that Cunningham Park Security does not come on until 1:00 PM on Sundays.

What days and times are the games played?

All teams in MGS are scheduled for a game on Saturday and at least one game a week. Games during the week start at 6pm. We do our best to schedule games on the same day each week. This is a guideline as field availability, rain outs and other factors may result in a game being scheduled on a non-typical day. For specific days and times, please refer to the information page for each division.

It is recommended that players arrive at the field at least 20-30 minutes prior to game time so they can properly warm up, and coaches can get the lineups ready prior to the start of the game, but please verify the exact time your manager wants the players at the field.

Who umpires MGS games?

The K-Program and the Freshwomen Division does not use umpires. No balls and strikes are called and outs are a judgment call between both coaches. The Sophomore Division uses High School Varsity Girls to umpire games. The Junior Division uses both High School Varsity Girls as well as ASA Umpires. The Senior Division to uses exclusively ASA Umpires. ASA Umpires are experienced, professional and have a close working relationship with the Milton Girls Softball.

When will the practices begin?

Practices typically begin in early April but depend upon weather and formation of teams.

How often and long will my child practice?

Practice frequency and duration are up to the team coach. Generally, teams practice 2-3 times a week prior to Opening Day. Once the season starts, practices are typically no more than once a week.

What equipment will my child need before the first practice or game?

Players should arrive at their first practice with a glove, hat, and rubber molded cleats. For the Junior and Senior Divisions, we strongly recommend that each girl have a sliding pad as well as sliding shorts.

A quality leather glove is a must! It is recommended to stay away from vinyl and simulated leather gloves that may be cheaper, but tend to cause the player a great deal of frustration. It is impossible to form a pocket in gloves made of vinyl or simulated leather. Therefore, the ball tends to pop out when the player attempts to catch it.

All players should bring a windbreaker, jacket, or sweatshirt to every game and practice, especially early in the season. A softball bag is not required but it is helpful for the Junior and Senior Divisions to transport bats, batting gloves, water bottles, hats, and other items. if you are interested in a Milton Girls Softball bat bag, contact wecare@miltonsoftball.com for more information.

Are there any rules around minimum playing time?

Rules will vary per division regarding playing time. Continuous batting orders are used for all the divisions.

Are there time limits on games?

Game times will not exceed 1 hours and 45 minutes. Please read the rules for more information.

What are MGS's guidelines regarding weather cancellations?

MGS has some strong guidelines with regards to weather conditions. Please read the rules for more information.

How many coaches and assistant coaches can be on a team?

Every team has a coach approved by the Executive Board of Directors. Each team's coach can have as many team parents as they can find for practices, but it is recommended that only two assistant coaches are allowed on the bench during games. Any Coach, Assistant Coach or helper that comes into contact with players MUST submit a CORI Application to the league so a background check can be performed.

What are the responsibilities of a coach?

Team coaches oversee the management of his/her respective team throughout the season. They are responsible for setting a practice schedule, developing a practice format, creating a lineup for every game, and ensuring girls get their minimum playing time in each game. Coaches are the focal point of the team and must be committed to following through with managing the team from early April through the regular season. Time commitment is usually around 6-8 hours a week depending upon division. Coaches need to be able to commit to be at all practices and games. Coaches also must attend a pre-season coaching clinic provided by the league, and a coaches meeting with the President of the MGS. As well, coaches must schedule and conduct a parent meeting at the beginning of the season.

Two assistant coaches are allowed on the bench during games. However, a coach may elect to use more than two coaches during practice. Coaches provide support during practice to ensure kids get enough attention while developing their skills. Coaches are under the guidance and direction of the manager. Typically, a coach will design a practice format and have assistants take care of coaching small groups of players, assisting with batting practice, hitting, or other assistant duties. Assistant coaches should commit to be at all practices and games, generally about 6-8 hours a week depending upon division. Coaches need to attend a pre-season clinic provided by the league. All actions of an assistant coach during games are the ultimate responsibility of the coach.

The coach yells at my kid. What can I do about it?

Coaches are parents. Coaches are people, too. Sometimes they do yell, but that's not always a bad thing. But, if the coach goes too far, talk to him or her. Explain your concerns and tell him how your kid feels. Treat the coach like a teacher. Approach the coach after a game or practice, and talk. Don't be afraid to stand up for your kid. That's your job. But respect the coach and the difficult job he/she's got caring for and teaching your kid. That's his/her job. If you're not satisfied with the conversation, talk with the League President.

Do I need to stick around for practice or games?

Well, first of all, why wouldn't you? Your kids are running around, trying hard, having fun. It's great to watch and they love your support. But, we're all busy, so here's the rule. If your child is in Kindergarten or 1st Grade, a parent must be at every practice and game. For all other grades, a parent should be at every practice and game. If it rains, or your child gets hurt, a parent should be present to care for him.

Are there conduct rules that apply during games?

Absolutely. We are focused on educating the girls of the Milton community the ideals of good sportsmanship, team play, honesty, loyalty, courage, and respect for others. We thrive to provide an environment that will also remain sensitive to the physical and emotional well being of the girls. Read more about our League Goals and Conduct.

Where's a good place to go for extra batting practice or personal lessons?

There are some excellent facilities near Milton to take your swings for a price. Several offer lessons or sponsor camps.

Dirt Dawgs, Canton, MA

RBI Academy, Foxboro, MA

TJO Sports, Canton, MA

Can my daughter play up on the Milton Girls Summer Travel Team?

Summer Guidelines do not allows girls play up between U10, U12 and U14. The only circumstance where this is possible is for 9th graders in high school. 9th graders in high school who are U14 eligible can also tryout for the U18 team.

Who do I contact if I have a problem that needs to be resolved by the league?

If at any time you have a problem or just want information, you can email the league at any time. However, please first discuss any concerns with your daughter's coach. Contact information is on the website. You are also welcome to attend a Board meeting and express your concerns directly to the Board with prior approval from the President.

Finances are tight. Do you offer any financial assistance?

Milton Girls Softball believes that every girl who is interested in playing should be able to play. If you have financial circumstances that make the registration fees a challenge, please contact us at wecare@miltonsoftball.com. All conversations will remain private.

Do I have to participate in any fundraising?

MGS believes that your families are already barraged with too many requests for your children to sell items. Therefore, with the exception of our Red Sox Ticket Raffle, we try to rely on league sponsors and personal donations to supplement our registration fees to cover the operating capital required for equipment, facilities maintenance and repairs, uniforms, etc. Please consider asking your employer about sponsoring a team. For more information, visit our Sponsorship page.

I am interested in volunteering. How do I get involved?

MGS is made up of people like you who want the best for our kids. We are always looking for volunteers for coaches, board members, team parents, event helpers, etc. The first step is to let someone know you are interested. This can be done by letting a board member know or by clicking on the Volunteer section of your Crossbar profile.

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